Manufacturing services for the pharmaceutical industry
A dependable, expert service partner can ensure manufacturing continuity and efficient maintenance
Pharma manufacturing services must enable plant operators to locate the balance between optimal maintenance and maximal productivity. Unforeseen shutdowns due to inadequate maintenance not only result in costly downtime, they can create drug shortages that significantly impact public health. Conversely, unnecessary maintenance can generate additional costs. Our pharmaceutical manufacturing services enable risk-based maintenance strategies for targeted calibration and maximal availability.
csökkentjük a nem megfelelősséget évente*
az optimalizált kalibrálásoknak megfelelően (*gyógyszervegyészeti gyár, Franciaország)
How we can help
A close, sustained service partnership with Endress+Hauser experts enables optimal plant performance and availability for maximum business value. Our risk-based maintenance strategies enable our clients to target measuring point maintenance and calibration interventions based on instrument criticality, thereby optimizing costs against productivity.
Installed base analysis of critical assets for a focused maintenance strategy
Long-term, reliable, and expert service partnering for continuous manufacturing
Optimized calibration intervals for cost-effective availability with full compliance
Managed services with detailed reporting and insights for continuous improvement
Fully transparent maintenance and calibration interventions for optimal production management
Installed base analysis
Instruments are critical to reliable plant operation and yet are often not included in plant maintenance plans. Age and obsolescence can lead to reduced plant performance and availability, furthermore as production complexity increases, balancing maintenance efforts becomes a continual challenge for plant operators.
Tapasztalatunk az adott szakterületen
Our installed base analysis sets the foundation of your maintenance routine, identifying critical assets upfront and providing key information for optimal decision making, and insights on how to improve process availability and minimize downtime risks.
Rely on optimally maintained instruments
Sustain operational capabilities
Strike the best balance between maintenance efforts and productivity
Measuring instruments are increasingly reliable, nevertheless rarely is this reflected in calibration interval specifications, leading both to inefficiencies and increased risks due to frequent manual interference.
Tapasztalatunk az adott szakterületen
By determining calibration intervals dynamically based on the results of past calibrations and statistical methods, Endress+Hauser can extend intervals, predict failures and increase reliability.
Extend calibration intervals with confidence
Predict instrument failures to avoid unplanned shutdowns
Managing calibration can be challenging for plant operators, particularly when different calibration providers and measuring technologies are involved.
Tapasztalatunk az adott szakterületen
Endress+Hauser takes the complexity out of calibration management, with managed calibration services providing a single point of contact and unified technologies.
Outsource calibration services to a single point of contact
Improve work scheduling and calibration intervals for best availability
Reveal hidden calibration costs for significant cost improvements
Learn where services support pharmaceutical manufacturing
Meet our expert
"My work involves bringing together industry experts from customers and Endress+Hauser to figure out what exactly customers want and need and to develop solutions and offerings to address the needs."
Achieve efficiency and continuity in pharmaceutical manufacturing together with our employees. They support you with dedicated services to improve your processes.
> 60
countries, where customers have access to Endress+Hauser calibration service engineers
calibrations per year managed by Endress+Hauser as a single point of contact at one pharmaceutical manufacturing site
31 million
Endress+Hauser devices are filed in the Endress+Hauser database to ensure full transparency for users
Water, beverages, dairy products, chemicals or pharmaceuticals have to be analyzed every day. Choose the device best suited to your process needs from our comprehensive product portfolio.
Water, natural gas, steam, mineral oil, chemicals are some of the fluids that have to be measured day in, day out. Select the flowmeter best suited to your process needs.
Continuous level measurement and point level detection in liquids and bulk solids
Powerful instruments for process pressure, differential pressure, level and flow.
Apart from all relevant measuring and system technologies, we also offer appropriate software for all branches of industry that provide to run your operating processes at its full potential.
System products
System products
Temperature measurement
Temperature measurement
Thermometers and transmitters for the process industry
Szerviz szolgáltatásaink
Szerviz szolgáltatásaink
Maximalizálja üzemének teljesítményét, a működési költségek (OPEX) minimalizásával és az üzemidő növelésével. Műszerezés területén válassza az Endress+Hausert partneréül.
Kapcsolódó történetek
Asset performance management for maximal productivity
Optimize your Asset Performance Management in biopharmaceutical manufacturing with our predictive maintenance and cloud-based solutions.
Hozzájárulunk a globális higiéniai szabályzatok betartásához, biztosítjuk a termékek változatlan minőségét és üzemének optimális kihasználtságát. Eközben nagy hangsúlyt fektetünk az erőforrás-gazdálkodásra és a költségcsökkentésre.
Az energia átmenetének elősegítése a nettó nullára
Az energia átmenetének elősegítése a nettó nullára
A műszerek, megoldások és szolgáltatások széles portfóliójával lehetővé tesszük ügyfeleink számára a nettó nullához vezető utat: a folyamatok hatékonyságától és biztonságától a fenntarthatóságig és a jogszabályi megfelelésig.
Vegyipar: Partnerek a fenntartható siker érdekében
Vegyipar: Partnerek a fenntartható siker érdekében
Optimalizálja forrásait és maximalizálja üzemének teljesítményét. Tudjon meg többet!
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