Asset performance management for maximal productivity
Real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance and cloud-based solutions maximize asset reliability
Asset performance management is key to productivity, compliance and availability in the exacting and competitive world of pharmaceutical manufacturing. Process plants are under constant pressure to evolve and improve, yet many are still caught in a reactive approach to maintenance which can lead to costly unplanned shutdowns. Our technologies and process expertise enable predictive maintenance strategies for optimal asset management and best pharmaceutical production plant performance.
of sales revenue is the estimated cost of poor Asset Performance Management according to a study by ARC* *
How we can help
We help optimize your Asset Performance Management by improving your asset knowledge, enabling you to ensure your instrument maintenance efforts are always efficiently directed.
Installed base analysis for a complete overview of all physical assets
Smart sensors and cloud IIoT solutions for up to date asset information
Self-diagnostic capabilities for predictive asset maintenance
Predictive maintenance strategies for reduced downtime and improved spare parts management
Real-time monitoring for targeted maintenance interventions
Data-driven decision making
Process plants evolve over time, equipment changes, and instruments become obsolete. Collecting asset data on the installed base can therefore be a labor-intensive process that covers multiple measuring points and instrumentation from several suppliers, and yet without this up-to-date information improving maintenance becomes impossible.
Tapasztalatunk az adott szakterületen
Endress+Hauser audit teams will conduct an Installed Base Analysis, collecting and analyzing all necessary information into a detailed report, based on which data-driven decisions can be made.
Diagnosing and solving an instrument’s error code often requires field-based interventions, increasing costs and risks.
Tapasztalatunk az adott szakterületen
Our Netilion IIoT ecosystem combines apps and algorithms that turn instrumentation data into actionable information. From our simple smartphone application installed instruments can be monitored, error codes can be diagnosed and resolved remotely. The digital plant is now a reality.
Create digital twins of physical assets with the Scanner app in less than 60 seconds
Most instrument errors are unforeseen and when they occur resolution can necessitate costly downtime.
Tapasztalatunk az adott szakterületen
Our Heartbeat Technology leverages in-built self-diagnostic functions that permanently monitor the state of instruments, enabling trends to be identified and interventions to be made in a timely and targeted manner before an error occurs or calibration is required.
In the life sciences industry data integrity and data security are both crucial considerations.
Tapasztalatunk az adott szakterületen
Our complete IIoT offering is certified to ensure maximum data security. From edge device to the customer data in the cloud our solutions use the latest safety mechanisms.
Encrypt data with long key codes (HTTPS / TLS with SHA-256)
Cooperate with certified data centers (e.g. ISO 27001)
Rely on certification by independent authorities, licensed by EuroCloud with a 4-star rating
Optimize asset management and increase plant availability
IBA put simply
"Improved plant availability, reduced maintenance costs and ensured compliance - IBA makes your life easier, whether you are a plant, quality or maintenance manager."
Looking to optimize your Asset Performance Management and maximize asset reliability, Endress+Hauser has the expertise and offering to support you. With smart devices, expert services and cloud-based maintenance solutions, you can take the next step towards predictive maintenance and digitalization without compromising safety and compliance.
reduction of variety after standardizing temperature devices based on an IBA at one of our customers
Up to 30%
of assets installed in plants are obsolete
Böngéssze a portfóliónkat!
Water, beverages, dairy products, chemicals or pharmaceuticals have to be analyzed every day. Choose the device best suited to your process needs from our comprehensive product portfolio.
Water, natural gas, steam, mineral oil, chemicals are some of the fluids that have to be measured day in, day out. Select the flowmeter best suited to your process needs.
Continuous level measurement and point level detection in liquids and bulk solids
Powerful instruments for process pressure, differential pressure, level and flow.
Apart from all relevant measuring and system technologies, we also offer appropriate software for all branches of industry that provide to run your operating processes at its full potential.
System products
System products
Temperature measurement
Temperature measurement
Thermometers and transmitters for the process industry
Szerviz szolgáltatásaink
Szerviz szolgáltatásaink
Maximalizálja üzemének teljesítményét, a működési költségek (OPEX) minimalizásával és az üzemidő növelésével. Műszerezés területén válassza az Endress+Hausert partneréül.
Kapcsolódó történetek
Manufacturing services for the pharmaceutical industry
A dependable, expert service partner can ensure manufacturing continuity and efficient maintenance
Bányászat, ásványi anyagok és fémek: A fenntartható jövő kiaknázása
Bányászat, ásványi anyagok és fémek: A fenntartható jövő kiaknázása
Az alacsonyabb érckoncentráció, a szakképzettségbeli hiányosságok és a feltárási kihívások világában segíthetünk elérni céljait: Csökkentse termelési költségeit, tartsa biztonságban üzemét, és növelje a megfelelőségét és megbízhatóságát.
Élelmiszeripar: Minőség mindenek felett
Élelmiszeripar: Minőség mindenek felett
Hozzájárulunk a globális higiéniai szabályzatok betartásához, biztosítjuk a termékek változatlan minőségét és üzemének optimális kihasználtságát. Eközben nagy hangsúlyt fektetünk az erőforrás-gazdálkodásra és a költségcsökkentésre.
Az energia átmenetének elősegítése a nettó nullára
Az energia átmenetének elősegítése a nettó nullára
A műszerek, megoldások és szolgáltatások széles portfóliójával lehetővé tesszük ügyfeleink számára a nettó nullához vezető utat: a folyamatok hatékonyságától és biztonságától a fenntarthatóságig és a jogszabályi megfelelésig.
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